Bike Sprints
2 x (8x:10on/:20off)
Front Rack Lunges
4 x 8/8, across
Yes, biking again! This is WEEK TWO of a SIX WEEK program of bike sprints that we’re doing to increase your vo2 max. Your baseline test was the two mile bike rest (for average rpms), which we’ll retest at the end of the series. Why increase your vo2max? A three percent increase in vo2max decreases your risk of a cardiac event by FIFTEEN percent! Like last week, coaches will give you a target rpm to hit for each interval. Record your rpms.
THEN, with your legs that may feel a bit wobbly, you’ll do eight front rack lunges on one side, then eight on the other side. You decide whether you step forward or backward. Build to a 6.5-7/10 effort which you’ll hold across for all four sets. Record your weight.
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