- Mile-A-Day in May
- Run, walk, skip, or bear crawl 1 mile, OUTSIDE, everyday in May
- Mark your progress at the front desk
- Better yet, do your daily mile with a friend!
- 2024 Internal Team Throwdown!!
- Saturday, May 11th 8:30a-10a
- Social/Potluck to follow
- See post for details
“Snow on the Beach”
4 Rounds on the 5 Minute
400 Meter Run
20 DB Cleans
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Weight: 50/35
4 Rounds on the 5 Minute
400 Meter Run
20 DB Cleans
10 Pull Ups
Weight: 35/20
4 Rounds on the 5 Minute
300 Meter Run
20 DB Cleans
5 Banded Strict
Weight: 25/15
The faster you move, the more rest you get! Run the 400 meters in around 2:00. The last 50 meters, slow to a jog so you can immediately pick up the dumbbells for the cleans. Choose a weight for the cleans that you can cycle for 10 reps before having to break the set. Then complete the 20 reps in two sets of 5 reps to save your grip for the chest to bars. Do the chest to bar pull ups (or upper-body pulling movement) unbroken or in two sets of five reps. They should take no more than :60 to complete, so scale reps before scaling the movement. Target 3:30-4 minutes per interval, and record your times
Post Intervals to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.