- REMINDER: TOMORROW Friday 3/22 ONLY the 5:30p class is moving to 5p so Game Night can start at 6p
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
build for 15 minutes from rack
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
build for 15 minutes from rack
3 Rounds
:60 DB Hip Bridge with Pulse
rest :30
:60 DB Bulgarian Split Squats
rest :30
:60 DB Deadbug Crunch
rest :60
3 Rounds
:60 DB Hip Bridge with Pulse
rest :30
:60 DB Bulgarian Split Squats
rest :30
:60 DB Deadbug Crunch
rest :60
TECHNIQUE day! Coaches will take you through a progression to perfect the push and split jerk mechanics. You’ll then have fifteen minutes to build in weight as long as your form is there. If you’re struggling with either movement, use less weight and work on it! Record your weight.
Then, for QUALITY do one minute of weighted hip bridges with an extra pulse at the top, bulgarian split squats (holding dbs like suitcases) and db deadbugs. Take :30 of rest between movements, use different weights for each movement, and take :60 between every round. Record your weights.
Post Weights to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.