“2023 Legends WOD 4”
75 Double Unders
40′ Double DB Lunge
12-9-6-3 Muscle Ups
Weight: 50/35
25 Attempts
40′ Double DB Lunge
12-9-6-3 Chest to Bars
Weight: 35/20
90 Single Unders
40′ Double DB Lunge
12-9-6-3 Strict Pull Ups
Weight: 25/15
Today’s WOD is all about the double unders! Yup, it’s all about managing your heart rate at the beginning of each round. My suggestion, purposefully break the 75 reps into sets of 25, with one big breath between sets. Then move the db lunges, which you’ll hold on your shoulders (not by your sides.) It’s only 40 feet, so try to go unbroken. If you’re super proficient at muscle ups try to connect sets of 3 reps, otherwise chip away at a difficult upper-body pulling movement. Target 13-15 minutes.
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