- The 2023 CrossFit Open: See details HERE
- FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: For the three Fridays during the CrossFit Open, we will be doing THEMED Friday Night Lights at the 5:30p class! The themes will be…
- Friday 3/3: Tropical Themed – dress as if it’s in the 80’s! Shorts, tanks, sunglasses, tropical shirts, flip flops, a beach towel, goggles, and zinc oxide noses!
EVERYONE is welcome, whether you’re registered for the Open or not. If you did the workout earlier in the day, please come back to cheer on your fellow Daybreakers, partake in the theme and win a prize, have a beverage (adult if you’d like), and hangout after for a little social!
- FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: For the three Fridays during the CrossFit Open, we will be doing THEMED Friday Night Lights at the 5:30p class! The themes will be…
“New One”
45 Double Unders
300 Meter Row
15 Toes to Bar
5 Front Squats
Weight: 185/135
15 Attempts
300 Meter Row
15 Knee Ups
5 Front Squats
Weight: 135/95
60 Single Unders
200 Meter Row
15 Leg Lifts
5 Front Squats
Weight: 95/65
Classic CrossFit movements! Spend no more than :60 on the double unders, then move on to the row. Three hundred meters will take :60-:90 at a moderate pace. Save your grip on the toes to bar by doing two to three sets (10/5 or 6/5/4.) Choose a weight for the front squats that you can a) clean from the floor, and b) can do all five reps straight every round (reps four and five feel heavy.) Target 5 rounds.
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