Daybreak has the opportunity to bring joy and hope to our surrounding communities, by giving back! We will be working with Caitie’s Closet, and the Maynard Food Pantry. Details about donations, and food boxes are HERE
DB Hip Thrusts/Hold
8 x :20on/:10 off
Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Rows
1 – 15 Hollow Rocks
2 – 20 Plank Knee to Elbow
3 – 15 Toe Reach
4 – 20 Plank Dips
Accessory Day! For the tabata, choose a heavy db to place across your lap. Put your shoulders on a bench or on the floor, and for 20 seconds use your glute to lift the db to parallel. The next 20 seconds do an isometric hold at parallel. Keep repeating until you’ve completed 8 rounds. For the single arm press and rows, do one set of press on each arm then one set of rows on each arm. Take about a 2 min rest then repeat but for less rep. Stick with the same weight, and make it challenging. We’ll then complete accessory day with some abs!!
Post Weights to Comments.
100 pushups
100 sit ups
100 squats
100 lunges
20 x 100m, walk to start