- JULY SEMINAR: THIS Friday, July 23rd at 6p, Martha is back for a seminar on proper deadlift and kettlebell technique, SPECIFICALLY regarding your BACK! Sign up on your Triib app, starting Wed 7/21.
“Take a Step Back”
7 Rounds
7 Toes to Bar
7 Power Snatch
7 Burpees
Weight: 135/95
7 Rounds
7 Knee Ups
7 Power Snatch
7 Burpees
Weight: 115/75
7 Rounds
7 V-Ups
7 Power Cleans
7 Burpees
Weight: 95/65
Not even close to the slug-fest that is “The Seven” but this one will be quick and potent! Do the toes to bar unbroken as long as possible, and if your grip starts to go do sets of 4 and 3 reps. The power snatches will be a moderate weight, maybe 3-4 in a row then HAVE to break the set. Keep a moderate pace on the burpees, completing them in less than a minute. Target sub 15 minutes.
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7 Rounds
7 V-Up
14 Jumping Jacks
7 Burpees
10 rounds
:60 moderate, :30 fast, :30 walk