FRI WOD Recording: Here
Icon 4 – ish
1.5 Mile Run
120 Jumping Jacks
100 Sit Ups
80 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
60 Jumping Squats
40 Power Cleans (115/75)
20 Jerks (115/75)
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WOD Guidance & Goals:
Run the 1.5 miles (3k row or 48 flights of stairs) at your 5k pace. The run is a buy in to the workout do not go out too hot. There will be a 15 minute cap. Recover during the jumping jacks and sit ups (try to do continuous sets). The kettlebell swings should be done at a weight that you swing for sets of 20 reps unbroken, and do the jumping squats in sets of 10-20 reps. Choose a weight for the cleans and the jerks that you can cycle for 10 reps at a time. If you have a db do 40 cleans total (20 per side) and 20 jerks total (10/side). Target 35 minutes. There will be a 40 minute cap.