TUE WOD Recording: Here
“Fun Tonight”
4 Rounds of AMRAP 4
10 Dumbbell Lunges (50/35)
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Push Ups
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
Post Intervals to Comments.
WOD Guidance & Goals:
With your dumbbell or kettlebell, complete 10 total front rack lunges lunges (5 per side). Use the same db/kb to do 15 kettlebell swings (unbroken) right into 10 hollow rocks (tucked rocks) and 15 push ups. Do as many rounds as possible of the complex in four minutes (target 2-3 rounds per amrap) then take a 2 mintue rest between amraps.
4 miles at 10k pace
1) 2x snatch deadlift to knee + 1x snatch pull: Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3 RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3 RM.
2) Push press: 3-5 sets x 3 reps within 90% of 3 RM
3) Bent over row: Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3 RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3 RM.