“Dinosaur Bones”
5 V-Ups
10 Push Ups
5 V-Ups
10 Renegade Rows
Courtesy of Coach Panda
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WOD Guidance & Goals:
Do 5 V ups or tuck ups, right into 10 push ups. Today is the day to challenge yourself and do push ups from your toes. Immediately back into 5 V-ups, then 10 renegade rows (5 per side). Target 15+ rounds. Use 35/30 db for renegade rows.
1) Clean from the blocks (At the knee): Work up to a 3 RM. Then 3 reps @ 95% 3RM, 3 reps @ 90% 3RM.
2) Clean deadlift: Work up to a 5 RM. Then 5 reps @ 95% 5 RM, 5 reps @ 90% 5 RM.
3) Bent over row: 3-5 sets x 5 reps within 90% of 5 RM on Tuesday