TUE WOD Recording: Who’s Got Your Love
TUE KIDS Recording: Here
“Seek Bromance”
500-400-300-200-100 Meter Run
50-40-30-20-10 Sit Up
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Alternate between running and sit ups. Sit ups, touch hands and shoulders to the ground behind you, throw arms forward to sit up, touch toes and get your torso to pass through ninety degrees at the top. If you don’t want to run and have a rower, row equal meters. If you’re indoors do 10/8/6/4/2 flights of stairs or 50/40/30/20/10 jumping jacks. If you don’t have a course mapped out run a total of time of 2:30/2:00/:90/:60/:30. Target 15 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
30 min
:30 sprint, :60 easy, :60 moderate, :30 walk
Burgener Strength
1) Back Squat: 3-5 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM
2) Press/military press: 3-5 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM
3) Strict weighted pull ups: 3 sets x 10 reps (AHAP)
*For 1 and 2, go by feel/rate of perceived exertion. If 90% of the 10 RM established isn’t in the tank, back it off and do 1-2 sets at a weight that is hard, but doable.