Up Ladder
2 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
2 Dumbbell Swings
20 Double Unders
4 Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
4 Dumbbell Swings
20 Double Unders
6/6, 8/8, 10/10, etc…
WOD Guidance & Goals:
With your dumbbell or kettlebell, do 2 overhead lunges per side, alternating legs (4 total reps), and use either arm for lunges. Use that same db or kb for 2 swings then complete 20 double unders (20 timers, 20 jumping jacks, 30 singles or 5 attempts). The next round you’ll increase the lunges and swings by 2 reps (4 lunges per side, alternating sides and 4 swings) and maintain 20 double unders. Each round keep increasing the lunges and swings by 2 reps but maintaining 20 double unders. Target 12 lunges/12 swings.
Post Round to Comments.
10 x :30 hill sprint, walk down to rest
Burgener Strength
1) Back Squat: Work up to a 10 RM. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.
2) Press/military press: Work up to a 10 RM. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.
3) Strict weighted pull ups: 3 sets x 10 reps (AHAP)