“Fat Amy”
50 Squats
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
40 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
30 Lunges
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
10 Meter Bear Crawl
10 Burpees
10 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees
30 Lunges
10 Burpees
40 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
50 Squats
Courtesy of WODWell
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WOD Guidance & Goals:
Sweat Fest Time!! Push your pace and see how gross you can get! If you’ve been doing CrossFit for less than 3 months, scale reps to 25-20-15-10-5 and scale burpees to 5 reps. Target 20 minutes. Suggested weight for kettlebell swings is 53/35.