WOD Guidance & Goals:
You will spend one minute at each station, accumulating as many reps as possible. Keep a continuous count from one exercise to the other. There is no break between movements. There is however a one minute rest at the end of each round where you can write down your rep total. Your score will be your grand total after three rounds. Movements…Thrusters are done with a dumbbell or kettlebell held in the rack position. Bent over rows are done with a db or kb held by the head/handle. For the tuck jumps, jump as high as you can bringing your knees up above the crease of your hip. Scaling options are high knees (right, left is one rep) or box jumps. Wall walks can be scaled to plank taps. And for the ten meter shuttle sprint, measure out a 33 foot section. Each section counts as a rep. Please watch video for movement execution and scaling.
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