“Big Fish”
Pull Up
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Oh Boy! Head down. Dig. Don’t come up for air until it’s over! Hold a moderate pace (lungs and legs get primed but not devastated) on the bike. Finishing the first round of cals around 2:30, second round 2 min, third :90 and fourth :60 or less. Pull ups are kipping (banded, half reps strict, or ring rows). To save your arms for later rounds and the row, do a third of the reps with shorter breaks. Same moderately uncomfortable pace you held on the bike, match it on the row. Burpees are steady until round of 9 reps, go all out. Overall this workout will take around 20 minutes.
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Courtesy of CompTrain
4 rounds
400m easy, 200m moderate, 100m sprint
walk 200m
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1: Hang clean + clean and jerk: 10 rounds- Every 2 minutes, compete:
1x hang clean + 1x clean + 1x jerk (work up to a max for the day)
2. Core
50x banded good morning