- DAYBREAKERS: Please make sure you sign into a class time at the kiosk located at the front desk. If you check in and receive a “No Rep” please notify a staff member. Thank you!
“Don’t Let The Old Man In”
20 Back Squats (155/105)
40 Toes to Bar
60 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
40 Handstand Push Ups
20 Front Rack Lunges (155/105)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Choose a weight for the back squats you can do for 10 reps unbroken. The weight will be taken from the floor, so getting it overhead and onto your back could also be the limiting factor. Finish squats around :60-:90. Toes to bar, start with a big set then chip away at sets of 5 to save your grip and hip flexors. Forty toes to bar will take around 2-3 minutes. Choose a weight for the dumbbell snatch that you can do for 20 rep unbroken, finishing around 3 minutes. Handstand push ups are kipping. Shoulders will be fatigued from the dumbbell snatch, do sets of 4-5 with quick shake outs. The front rack lunges, get at least 10 in a row before resting. The lunges are 20 total (10 per side) and will take around :90. Target 12-15 minutes.
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5 sets
200m hard, 300m easy, 400m moderate, rest 1 min
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1) Back squat: 65%x 8 reps, 70%x 8 reps, 75%x 8 reps, 80%x 8 reps.
-Rest 10 minutes
2) Front squat: 60%x 5 reps, 65%x 5 reps, 70%x 5 reps x 2 sets.