- Nutrition Challenge: ENDS this Friday 1/31. Get your scores up and get measured!
- Bring-a-Friend Day: This Saturday 2/1
With a Partner
5 Rounds Each
20 Dumbbell Sit Ups (50/35)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
With your partner, alternate rounds until you BOTH complete five. For the bench press SPOT each other and choose a weight you can do the first two rounds unbroken, then break 6-4. The box jumps are at a moderate pace finishing in :45. And for the dumbbell sit ups, anchor your partner’s feet by stepping on them. Choose a weight for the dumbbell you can do for at least 10 sit ups unbroken. Target 20-25 minutes.
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Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1) 1x Muscle snatch + 1x snatch balance – no dip (AKA drop snatch): Work up to a max for the day.
*Once you fail in the muscle snatch, move on to portion #2. If you fail in the snatch balance (no dip) before the muscle snatch, continue climbing up the ladder performing a muscle snatch + snatch balance (with a dip).
2) 2 position snatch: 10 rounds – Every 90 seconds, perform:
1x hang squat snatch + 1x squat snatch (Work up to a max for the day).
3) 5 rounds – Every 2:30, perform:
3x Snatch halting deadlift + pull (Start at 80% 1 RM snatch and increase weight by feel).
*Perform a 2-3 second pause at the launch position, then explode into a snatch pull.