5 Rounds
5 Dumbbell Hang Squat Snatch, Left Arm
5 Dumbbell Hang Squat Snatch, Right Arm
5 Thrusters
200 Meter Run
Men: 50#
Women: 35#
WOD Guidance & Goal:
These are tricky!! Choose a weight that your non-dominant arm can handle 5 consecutive reps. Also, choose a weight you can catch below parallel. Target 12-15 minutes.
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10x :30 hill run, walk down
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1) 3 position clean + jerk: 10 rounds – Every 2 minutes, perform:
1x high hang clean + 1x hang clean + 1x clean + 1x split jerk (Work up to a max for the day)
*These are all squat cleans, but you do not have to treat them as touch and go. Perform a split jerk only after the third clean
2) 5 rounds
5 Good mornings as heavy as possible, :90 rest