- HOLIDAY PARTY! Apps, Trivia, Music and Dancing! TOMORROW SATURDAY January 18th at Conrad’s in Sudbury for BOTH gyms. Details HERE.
- JAN + FEB MOVEMENT CHALLENGE: Strict pull ups (band, chin or chest). This 8 week challenge, will help you strengthen your shoulders and pulling strength to get your first pull up, help string multiple together, chest to bars and bar/ring muscle ups. You perform strict pull ups 2x/week, along with accessory work like ring rows, negatives and static holds. At the desk are worksheets to keep track of your progress.
“2016 Master’s Qualifier Event 3”
55 Double Unders
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Hang Cleans (155/105)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Finish your double unders or singles around 1 min. Do 3 sets of 5 reps on the chest to bar pull ups to save your grip and minimize rest. Choose a weight for the hang cleans that’s moderately heavy. The 5 hang cleans every round should be unbroken. Target 4 rounds.
Post Rounds to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
Row or Run
12x200m w/200m easy between efforts
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1) Squat clean: 10 rounds – Every 2 minutes, perform:
2x squat clean (Work up to a max for the day)
2) Push press + push jerk + split jerk: For as long as possible, every 60 seconds, perform:
1x push press + 1x push jerk + 1x split jerk
*For these, start at a moderate load and increase the weight each round. Once you fail in the push press, you will eliminate that movement and continue going up with 1x push jerk + 1x split jerk. Once you fail in the push jerk, continue going up with 1x split jerk. Once you miss in the split jerk, you are done.
3) Core: 5 rounds:
5x Romanian deadlift (Start at a moderate to heavy load and increase the weight each round).
Rest as needed
60 second weighted plank (AHAP)
Rest as needed