- HOLIDAY PARTY ANNOUNCED! Apps, Trivia, Music and Dancing! January 18th at Conrad’s in Sudbury for BOTH gyms. Details HERE.
- JAN + FEB MOVEMENT CHALLENGE: Strict pull ups (band, chin or chest). This 8 week challenge, will help you strengthen your shoulders and pulling strength to get your first pull up, help string multiple together, chest to bars and bar/ring muscle ups. You perform strict pull ups 2x/week, along with accessory work like ring rows, negatives and static holds. At the desk are worksheets to keep track of your progress.
20/15 Calorie Bike
50 Meter Farmer’s Carry (50/35)
10 Meter Handstand Walk
80/60 Calorie Bike
200 Meter Farmer’s Carry
40 Meter Handstand Walk
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Go as fast as possible on both chippers. The five minute break is plenty of time to recover between workouts. The first chipper, complete the bike under 1 minute. Carry two dumbbells 5 x 10m increments. Choose a weight you can carry for at least 20 meters. Try to complete handstand walk in as few kick ups as possible. Chipper two, the bike will take around 5-6 minutes. Try to do at least 20m on the farmer’s carry at a time. Again, complete handstand walks in as few kick ups as possible. Target 3 minutes for the first chipper and 12-15 for the second chipper.
Post Times to Comments.
30 min, for max distance
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1) Power clean: In 10 minutes, work up to a max for the day, then:
2) 10 rounds – Every 60 seconds, complete:
3x power clean (65-70% 1 RM PC) + 3x box jump (AHAP)
3) Deadlift: Work up to a max for the day.
This is the last week of the Wendler cycle, so goal is to hit a new 1 RM.