- HOLIDAY PARTY ANNOUNCED! Apps, Trivia, Music and Dancing! January 18th at Conrad’s in Sudbury for BOTH gyms. Details HERE.
- JAN + FEB MOVEMENT CHALLENGE: Strict pull ups (band, chin or chest). This 8 week challenge, will help you strengthen your shoulders and pulling strength to get your first pull up, help string multiple together, chest to bars and bar/ring muscle ups. You perform strict pull ups 2x/week, along with accessory work like ring rows, negatives and static holds. At the desk are worksheets to keep track of your progress.
“Butcher Pete”
100 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (50/35) (24/20)
— At the top of every minute, perform 3 hang clean and jerks with one arm then 3 on with the other arm (6 total)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
You will start this WOD on the alternating leg step-ups. These will be performed with one dumbbell held anywhere you’d like except for resting it on your thigh, nor can any other part of your body rest or press on your leg to assist the step-up. At the top of every minute, you’ll perform 3 dumbbell hang clean and jerks with one arm, then 3 with the other. Choose a weight and box where you can push to finish in 11-13 minutes.
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3 rounds:
Tabata Bike
Tabata Row
Tabata Run
2 min rest between rounds
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
*last week of 8 week cycle
1) Muscle snatch: Work up to a max for the day.
2) Pause hang snatch + snatch: 10 rounds – Every 90 seconds, complete:
pause hang snatch + 2x snatch (Work up to a max for the day)
*3 second pause in the receiving position of the hang snatch.
3) Back squat: Work up to a max for the day.
3 rounds:
5x Snatch grip RDL’s (AHAP)
Rest 90 seconds
20x Weighted sit ups (45#/25#)
Rest 90 seconds