- TONIGHT 11/14 JACKSON’S SEND OFF – At 7:30p, after Barbell Club, we will head to The Local (in Wayland) to send Jackson off on his next adventure
- SAT 11/23 at 10am in Acton – Martha Theirl PT, DPT, from Q4PT, will address the shoulder mobility, stability and exercises to maintain effective function and injury prevention. Sign up at the front desk
“You’re Crashing”
Front Squats (165/115)
500 Meter Row after each set
Front Squats (165/115)
500 Meter Row after each set
WOD Guidance & Goal:
Yup, the reps are increasing! The first set of squats should be unbroken. Row to flush out your legs. For the 15 and 21 break into two sets. Push the final row. Target 13 minutes.
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