- THUR 10/31 HALLOWEEN: No 6:30p Classes!
- SAT 11/2 at 10a in Wayland – Bonnie Chung DC, from Fiola Chiropractic and a regular at the 12:30p class, will be address the function of the FOOT as it relates to the ground along with ankle mobility. Bonnie will discuss how your feet are the foundation and a source of stability from the ground up, cover how foot and ankle positioning and activation affects knee positioning and movement up the chain and workshopping some exercises for the foot and ankle to address mobility in all three planes of motion. Sign up at front desk!
- SAT 11/23 at 10am in Acton – Martha Theirl PT, DPT, from Q4PT, will address the shoulder mobility, stability and exercises to maintain effective function and injury prevention. Sign up at the front desk!
Front Squat
“Dance Monkey”
8 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
12 Front Squats (95/65)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Coaches will help you build to 80% for 5, 85% for 3, then 90% for the singles. Go heavy but not to failure. For the AMRAP 8, choose a weight (less than 50% of what you did for the singles) you can do the first round unbroken. Target 8 Rounds.
Post Weight and Rounds to Comments.
2 x 800m, rest 2
4x400m, rest :90
4x200m, rest :60