- There are no Teen classes for July and August. The last day of classes will be Thursday 6/27
- Saturday, 6/29 at 10-11am Martha Adams, DPT, will be hosting a seminar at Daybreak (Wayland) focused on Shoulder health. Martha educates our coaches on diagnosing movement limitations, shoulder stability/mobility and core engagement. Martha is a fan of CrossFit and even does it herself! Space is limited, please sign up at the front desk by Mon 6/24. Admission is free to all Daybreak and Daybreak North members.
Overhead Squat
3 x 5, Across
“Pretty, Handsome, Awkward”
12 Hang Squat Snatch (115/75)
12 Double Jump Burpee Over the Bar
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Coaches will help you build to a moderate (75-80% of your 1 rep max) weight for the strength portion of the workout. For the metcon, choose a weight for the snatches that you can cycle through 6 reps unbroken. Target 2-3 rounds.
Post Weight and Reps to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
3 sets:
500m moderate, :90 rest
400m moderate, :60 rest
300m moderate, ;45 rest
200m moderate, :30 rest
100m moderate, 4 min rest