- WEATHER ALERT: Stay tuned to this page for any changes in our schedule due to the pending storm. We will post any changes to the schedule a minimum of 45 minutes before a given class.
- THE OPEN – Starts Thursday Feb 21st. HERE is everything you need to know about the next 5 weeks!
Open 16.3
10 Power Snatch (75/55)
3 Bar Muscle Ups
3 Bar Muscle Ups
Snatch Complex
Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
3 sets
Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
3 sets
WOD Guidance & Goal: Choose a weight for the snatches you can do unbroken every round. The weight should feel very light. For bar muscle ups, fast singles or do as many sets as possible unbroken. Scaling options for bar muscle ups will be banded muscle ups, chest/chin to bar pull ups or ring rows. Target 5 Rounds. For the snatch complex, build with every set. Start at a moderate weight (70% 1 rep max power snatch).
Post Reps to Comments. Compare scores HERE.