- Self Defense CLINIC: Sunday 2/10 at 10a at Daybreak North. Details HERE
- Movement Challenge: 250 Burpees
“Big Lie”
3 Rounds:
15 Squat Cleans (135/95)
15 Ring Dips
Power Clean
5 x 2 Reps Across
WOD Guidance & Goal: The last time we did this workout, we did power cleans. Today, you’re squatting! Choose a weight for the cleans you can do for 5 consecutive reps. Chip away at the ring dips in conservative sets without going to failure. The Scaling option for ring dips is jumping ring dips. Target 10-12 minutes. For the power cleans, build to 90% of your 1 rep max and maintain the same weight for all 5 sets.
Post Time and Weight to Comments. Compare scores HERE.