- TOMORROW: ONLY 2 Classes 7a + 9a at both locations
“Death By 10 Meter”
Minute 1: Run 10 Meters
Minute 2: Run 20 Meters
Minute 3: Run 30 Meters
Minute 4: Run 40 Meters…
Continue to increase distance by 10 meters every minute. Once you cannot complete the designated meters in the minute, take a 1 minute break and start from the beginning. Your score will be the highest minute you completed in the first round. There is a 25 minute cap.
*Note: We will be inside and running between two cones 10 meters apart (shuttle style.)
WOD Guidance & Goal: This workout doesn’t get spicy until round 10. In the earlier rounds, count how many steps it takes you to get 10 meters and try to pivot on opposite feet at each end to give one side a break.
Post Score to Comments. Compare scores HERE.