SEMINAR 12/15 at 10am: Martha Adams, DPT at Joint Ventures, will be hosting a seminar at Daybreak (Wayland) focused on spine/back health. Martha educates our coaches on diagnosing movement limitations, shoulder stability/mobility and core engagement. Martha is a fan of CrossFit and even does it herself! Space is limited, please sign up at the front desk by Mon 12/10.
Overhead Squat
10 Overhead Squats (135/95)
50 Double Unders
WOD Guidance & Goal: For the strength piece of this workout, do the 5 reps at 75%, 3 at 80%, 3 at 85% and 2 at 90% of your 1 rep max. For the AMRAP, the overhead squats should be at 65% of your 1 rep max. Or, choose a weight you can get all 10 squats unbroken for the first round. Target 3+ rounds.
Post Weights + Rounds to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
1k Moderate, 200 easy
800 mod, 200 easy
600 mod, 200 easy
400 mod, 200 easy
200 mod, 200 easy