SEPTEMBER CLINIC: Sunday, September 30th, at 9:30am, coaches Michele and Mel will host a stretch clinic. They have created a 15-20 minute stretch routine that targets key areas from head to toe. All you need is a lacrosse ball! Sign up at front desk.
“From Now On”
3 Rounds:
25 Dumbbell Jerks (50/35)
50 Double Unders
25 Dumbbell Step Ups (50/35)(24/20)
50 Double Unders
WOD Guidance & Goal: This is a grip, leg and shoulder burner. Break jerks into two sets to save shoulders. After 7-10 reps take a break on the step ups to save grip. Choose a weight for the dumbbells that you can do 10 reps unbroken on the jerks. Target 15-20 minutes.
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10x 300m, 100m easy between sets
Power Snatch 7×3
Power Clean and Jerk 7×3
Romanian Deadlift 5×10