Meet Lori and Chris!
This year, Lori revamped her nutrition plan and dedicated herself to attending CrossFit three-times per week. Lori has seen dramatic changes in her overall performance with PRs in weightlifting and bodyweight movements. And you can’t help but notice how lean, fit and strong she looks.
Chris G, has been relentless in improving his shoulder mobility and it’s working! Until recently, Chris wasn’t able to hang from a bar or go overhead with a barbell. Consistently taking his time, being patient, strengthening and stretching, and working with lighter weights, are the keys to his success.
About Lori
I live in Maynard and have been married to my husband Howie for 22 years. We have two great girls: Carly (13) & Ella (9). We have 3 cats (Tiger, Lucy and Kiki) and a sweet dog, Luna who we adopted last year. I work at Sunlife Financial in Wellesley as a Senior Benefit Consultant reviewing Disability Claims. My dear friend Julianna and I first came to Daybreak about 3 years ago on the recommendation of Erica, who we knew through a cycle class she taught. We mentioned we were interested in trying CrossFit and she said Daybreak was the place to do it! I come when I can, lately that could be 6:30am, 12:30pm or an evening class if that is when I can get there. If my schedule would allow it 6:30am would definitely be my preferred time to come!
1. What keeps you coming back to CrossFit each day?
How hard I can push myself and let everything else in my day fall away. It is what I love about coming here. With less intense workouts my mind can wander….here it is all about getting through the wod, no time to think about what to make for dinner, kids etc….it’s my me time
2. What’s your spirit animal (an animal that represents you)?
I’m going with a zebra, just because I have always thought they were so cool.
3. What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended?
So many to choose from….Probably Harry Conick Jr. at the Bank Boston Pavilion (or whatever it’s called now) the weather was perfect, and he put on a great show. Pearl Jam last year at Fenway was pretty great too.
4. What fictional place would you like to visit?
Who-ville 😉
5. Is the holiday season the best or worst time of the year? Why?
Both…..I love Thanksgiving, low key, no gifts. Christmas has gotten out of control. While I love how magical it is for the kids, my tendency to procrastinate makes it WAY more stressful then it should be!
About Chris