Meet Cory and Jay!
When you give Cory and Jay a goal, they’ll do everything it takes to accomplish it. Whether it’s tweaking their nutrition or doing extra work like endurance or strength, both athletes will not only do what’s required but continue with it. In November, Cory had a baby, Braden, but was back in action rebuilding her strength and stamina with a focus on nutrition and running post workout. Jay won our nutrition challenge in January and has maintained his eating discipline long after the challenge ended. He’s PR’ed almost every lift, lost another few pounds, and now works with Coach Michele to fine tune his Olympic lifts. And to top it off, he does 25 burpees every morning when he gets out of bed. Both Cory and Jay are great examples of dedication and diligence which makes them May’s Daybreaker’s of the Month.
About Cory
I live in Marlboro with my husband Keith (who used to go to Daybreak J) and our 3 boys (14 Tyler, 11 Darien, and 6 month old Braden). I work from home as a Project Manager for a Contract Pharmaceutical company. I have been doing Crossfit since 2011 with some hiatus times in there. I started at a few other Crossfit gyms and then started with Daybreak with the parking lot crew. Of course Daybreak is by far the best Crossfit I have been to. I normally go to the 5:30 PM.
What keeps you coming back to CrossFit each day?
The coaches and the community. I may not always want to go and workout but when I get there everyone is great. Some days it’s the only time I am out of the house and provides me some therapy time. I just recently had a baby boy and I couldn’t wait to get back to crossfit to see everyone and lose the million pounds I gained while pregnant.
What’s your spirit animal (an animal that represents you)?
An eagle, I have always wanted to fly. I think they are strong and beautiful animals.
What song(s) have you completely memorized?
Any 90’s song
What is something that is considered a luxury that you don’t think you could live without?
My iPhone. I would be lost without it. May not seem like a luxury but I have many family members that still have flip phone. J
What is the most exhilarating/adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Zip lining in Maui
About Jay
I have lived in Wayland now for almost 15 years, and looking forward to someday moving to a place where I never have to pick up a snow shovel ever again. I’ve been married for 24 years (as some of you may have seen if we are friends on Facebook… if we are not let’s be friends) and looking forward to another 24 plus! I have three kids, Kevin (22) Jillian (20) Hannah (17) – Jillian and Hannah have been to Daybreak before.
I have been running Sales Operations for a piece of Oracle for a bunch of years now (both Rap and I work together, which is how I found out about Daybreak). I have been doing Crossfit for almost 3 years now, but the first 18 months was very spotty attendance because I travel so much – but have renewed my dedication as my travel demands are significantly less now. Ironically, with so much travel, it has given me the opportunity to drop-in at a total of 32 (yes 32) different Crossfit boxes around the world and I can say without question Daybreak is #1 !! I typically attend the 12:30 class during the week, which is a great way for me to take a physical and mental break during the day to get recharged for the rest of the day!
What keeps you coming back to CrossFit each day?
#1 – To be able to have another 24+ years with my best friend (Susie) AND #2 I love the fact that I keep pushing myself to new levels of activity – I’ve always been an active person, and am always looking for the next line in the sand I can try to cross.
What’s your spirit animal (an animal that represents you)?
I have actually looked this up before and I would say the Coyote – he’s viewed as a jokester – and those of you who know me would agree!
What song(s) have you completely memorized?
What’s New Pussycat (Tom Jones) & JumpAround (House of Pain) – talk about opposite ends of the spectrum!
What is something that is considered a luxury that you don’t think you could live without?
Our Cape House… nothing more peaceful than sitting on the deck with a drink watching the sun set into Cape Cod Bay
What is the most exhilarating/adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Diving with the Manta Rays in Hawaii – it was a night-time dive where Manta Rays feed on the plankton while they swim right around you, and these things are gigantic… A human can fit right down their mouth when they open it to catch the plankton… It was AWESOME!