- Halloween WOD and Social is TONIGHT! No Open Gym 2-4p. No 5:30p class. BUT we will have a team WOD suitable for everyone at 6:00p followed by a potluck and social. More details on our post HERE.
- Nutrition Satire Tees and Tanks are HERE! Winning class of nutrition challenge get free tee shirts along with top 3 individual performers. Still priced low at $15 each to celebrate all the nutrition victories by our members!
- Didn’t get your hoodie or sweatshirt size? Don’t fret! Hoodie/Sweats have been re-ordered! Our hoodies and sweats were so popular that we sold out of a lot of the popular sizes. We just placed a re-order and expect to get restocked within the next couple of weeks.
With a partner complete:
Row (600/400)
150 Wall Balls (20/10)
150 Box Jump Overs (20)
150 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Row (600/400)
Both athletes must row designated amount of meters before moving onto wall balls, box jumps and kettlebell swings. Wall balls, box jumps and kettlebell swings can be shared anyway, anyhow. Both athletes can be working at the same time BUT not at the same exercise. Once all 150 reps are completed at each exercise then the pair will complete the workout with another row.
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Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats
10 sets, ascending weight