- Halloween WOD and Social is THIS FRIDAY! No Open Gym 2-4p. No 5:30p class. BUT we will have a team WOD suitable for everyone at 6:00p followed by a potluck and social. Sign up at front desk. More details on our post HERE.
- Nutrition Satire Tees and Tanks are HERE! Winning class of nutrition challenge get free tee shirts along with top 3 individual performers. Still priced low at $15 each to celebrate all the nutrition victories by our members!
- Didn’t get your hoodie or sweatshirt size? Don’t fret! Hoodie/Sweats have been re-ordered! Our hoodies and sweats were so popular that we sold out of a lot of the popular sizes. We just placed a re-order and expect to get restocked within the next couple of weeks.