Inside the Box: Are you logging your monthly goals on the “Goal Board” in the back of the gym? These should be getting you closer to your #3goalstobetter targets you set at the beginning of the year. And achievements are not just limited to the goals you set, you can also write down any unexpected successes: PRs, RXs, first HSPU, first MU, double unders!!! Anything that just makes you feel good. So go use the “Goal Board” to document your awesomeness so we can celebrate with you, update our leaderboards and just give you a good ol’ fashioned “Hell Yeah”!
3 rounds:
40 KB Swings (53/35#)
40 Box Jumps (24/20″)
40 Thrusters (65/45#)
40 Elevated Push-ups (feet on box)
Post time to comments.
“Kyle” WOD Background: Christopher Scott “Chris” Kyle (April 8, 1974 – February 2, 2013) was a United States Navy SEAL and was known as the most lethal sniper in American military history. The 3 rounds represent his wife and two children he left behind. The 4 movements represent Chris’s 4 tours in Iraq and the total reps for each round equal 160 representing Chris’s confirmed kills. Kyle served four tours in the second Iraq war, and was awarded the Bronze and Silver Star medals multiple times. Iraqi insurgents dubbed him the “Devil of Ramadi” and offered a bounty for his head. He was shot twice, and was involved in six IED attacks. Kyle decided to spend time with his family and was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in 2009. Kyle was shot and killed at a shooting range by a fellow veteran on February 2, 2013, near Chalk Mountain, Texas.
For those new to Daybreak or CrossFit here’s a little bit more background on Hero WODs and their meaning to us:
Hero WODs are workouts intended to be performed with intense effort in honor of our fallen military Heroes. It isn’t about doing the WOD RX or about sacrificing form, technique and mechanics for the sake of a fast time or higher rounds. Rather, focus on what you can do, and you should still modify or scale the WOD where needed. When the WOD gets tough (and it will), there’s no complaining. Instead, think about those who sacrificed much more for our liberties and freedoms. High five your neighbor, give frequent shouts of encouragement and honor these Heroes with your very best effort for that day.