The summer is over. No more ice cream and fruity summer drinks. It’s time to get back on track. No better way to do so then with a Nutrition Challenge! Rather than reinventing the wheel, we will be doing a similar challenge to the last one. Why? Because it WORKED for the majority of our members AND because YOU requested it! We have many new Daybreakers these days, so we want to give this another run. Remember, we use these challenges to see what works in our own personal lives… we don’t expect it to work for all of you. Take what works, and incorporate that in your routine… build up the right system over time. This isn’t a quick fix. This specific challenge is about quality. No scales and no measuring cups, just quality foods, with a penalty for “treats”. It’s just 30 days to see if the pure quality approach works for you. And you’re not doing it alone! Like the last time, you will have a partner for accountability. You’ll keep each other honest and healthy and if you have a “treat” you both pay the penalty (more on this later)! What you can eat: What you can’t eat: Exceptions: Pre/Post Workout (within an hour before or after WOD): 1) BODY MEASUREMENTS They will include: weight, waist, arm, hip and chest (women), leg and neck (men) AND a full length “selfie” (taken by YOU or a coach) 2) DAILY SCORE If you eat within the parameters of the challenge (veggies, proteins, fats, fruits and limited starch), you get a YES for the day. If you don’t, you get a NO. Each partner will record their own daily scores to the Goal whiteboard at the back of the gym. Burpee Penalty: For each “NO” you post on the Goal board, you and your partner must do 50 burpees each the very same day that it is posted. So if partner 1 is a “YES” and partner 2 is a “NO”, you both still do 50 burpees. (And you’re lucky, even 2 “NO”s are still only 50 burpees each). The #NoExcuses Nutrition Challenge ends on Thurday, Oct 9th! At that time, we will tally up the points based on a combination of team scores, measurements and benchmark WOD improvements. The winning duo will receive PRIZES! Post them to comments on THIS page and the coaches will respond (as will our members!).THE CHALLENGE