We’re trying an approach that’s different than the last nutrition challenge, where we focused on quality and quantity. This Challenge is about quality. Why the change up? When it comes to nutrition, every athlete is different. We want to expose you to a variety of options, so you can choose what works for YOU! Many of you thrived on weighing and measuring your food with a few cheats sprinkled into your week. But for others it was overwhelming. For this challenge, no scales and no measuring cups, just quality foods, but no cheats are factored into the equation. It’s for you all-or-nothing folks. It’s just 30 days to see if the pure quality approach works for you. And this time, you don’t have to go through this alone! You can sign up with a partner, or sign up alone and we’ll assign one to you. Why partners? Accountability! This works wonders when it comes to working out and nutrition. You choose your partner and keep each other honest and healthy and if you cheat, you both pay the penalty (more on this later)! What you can eat: What you can’t eat: Exceptions: Pre/Post Workout (within an hour before or after WOD): 1) BODY MEASUREMENTS They will include; weight, waist, arm, hip and chest (women), leg and neck (men) 2) DAILY SCORE If you eat within the parameters of the challenge (veggies, proteins, fats, fruits and limited starch), you get a YES for the day. If you don’t, you get a NO. Each partner will record their own daily scores to the Goal whiteboard at the back of the gym. Burpee Penalty: For each “NO” you post on the Goal board, you and your partner must do 50 burpees each the very same day that it is posted. So if partner 1 is a “YES” and partner 2 is a “NO”, you both still do 50 burpees. (And you’re lucky, even 2 “NO”s are still only 50 burpees each). You can thank Rap, Bill and Scott for starting the burpee penalty during their experiment with it the month before. And by the way, it worked. =) 3) BONUS SCORES Each week you will have the opportunity to add to your daily score. 1 extra point is available each day of the first week, 2 for each day of the second week, 3 the third week and 4 the fourth. Each partner will keep track of their own bonus points, but at the end, your score will be a team score. The #PursueBetter Nutrition Challenge ends on July 3rd! At that time, we will tally up the points based on a combination of team scores, bonus points, measurements and benchmark WOD improvements. We will soon announce the prizes for the winners! (They’re awesome.) Post them to comments on THIS pageTHE CHALLENGE