How to find your average split to PR your 2K Row
Most people break the 2K down into 4x500M pieces and start a little higher (ie slower) than the pace needed to achieve their goal. This is often referred to as negative splitting. So if your target is a 7:30 2K then you are targeting an overall average split of 1:52.5. You might target a split that is 1 to 2 seconds slower for the first 500 and then bring it down gradually to a split that is 1 to 2 seconds faster for the last 500. It looks something like this:
1st: 1:53.5
2nd: 1:52.5
3rd: 1:52.5
4th 1:51.5 (or faster if you have it – should be nothing left in the tank at the end)
I wouldn’t suggest starting any slower than 2 seconds slower than the average split because it’s usually too much to make up at the end.
If you don’t have a recent 2k time you could use the following guideline (disclaimer – I didn’t invent this but have found it to be a pretty good estimate for a wide range of rowers):
Paul’s Law says that you add 5 seconds to your split for every doubling of distance. For example, if your best 1000M time is 3:20 – you have an average split time of 1:40/500M. Paul’s Law says that you should target an average split of 1:45/500M for a total 2k time of 7:00. You can do the same calculation for a 500M time if you don’t have a 1K time to use. For the 500M time you’d add 10 seconds (because the distance doubles twice).