WOD: Tue 10.21.2014 “Christine”
3 Rounds:
500 Meter Row
12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
21 Box Jumps (20)
Sign Up For Lululemon Event by 5pm TONIGHT!
3 Rounds:
500 Meter Row
12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
21 Box Jumps (20)
Sign Up For Lululemon Event by 5pm TONIGHT!
"Hands On Me"
Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Box Jumps (30/24)
"Man Down"
Walking Lunge
Kettlebell Swing (53/35)
Box Jump (24)
Sit Up
"These Streets"
25 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
50 Pull Ups
75 Wall Balls (20/14)
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
75 Wall Balls
50 Pull Ups
25 Clean and Jerks
Courtesy of Sherwood
"Tabata What?"
At each exercise 8 rounds of :20 on and :10 off
Pull Ups
Box Jumps