About Mel

Mel is an accomplished CrossFit athlete and coach. She's competed on the world stage, and is one of the few Level 3 Certified trainers in New England. She has worked for CrossFit HQ in their L1 Seminar Staff and now enjoys bringing world-class fitness to her members as Co-Owner and Head Coach of Daybreak CrossFit.

WOD – Sun, Jan 5 “Diet Pepsi”

WOD – Sun, Jan 5 “Diet Pepsi”

Diet Pepsi (AMRAP – Rounds)

30 Box Jumps
15 Calorie Row
5 Wall Walks

MCx: 24/20
MAx: step 24″, 12 cals, 3 wall walks or modified
MVx: step 20″, 9 cals row, 20 shoulder taps or pull thrus

WOD GOALS + GUIDANCE: AMRAPs are a time to try ONE NEW skill or PUSH your pace! Today, try jumping all of the box […]


WOD – Sat, Jan 4 “Exes”

WOD – Sat, Jan 4 “Exes”

Exes (Time)

40-30-20 DB Hang Clean+Jerk
800-600-400 Meter Run
40-30-20 Pull Ups

MCx: 50/35
MAx: 35/20, 20-15-10 pull ups (band)
MVx: 30-20-10 25/15, 600-400-200m, ring rows

WOD GOALS + GUIDANCE: Alternating sides, complete the designated number of db hang clean+jerks. Choose a db weight that you can move for at least 20 reps before breaking. The first and second runs, move at your 5k […]


WOD – Thu, Jan 2 “Holleyman”

WOD – Thu, Jan 2 “Holleyman”

Holleyman (Time)

30 Rounds
5 Wall Balls
3 Handstand Push Ups
1 Clean

MCx: 20/14, 225/155
MAx: 14/10, abmat, 155/105
MVx: 10/6, push ups, 115/75


Hero WOD time, and one of everyone’s favorite workouts! Every round try to keep the wall balls and handstand push ups unbroken. Take one to two deep breaths before doing one clean. The clean weight should […]
