WOD: Wed 12.04.2024 “Tantalizing”
4 Rounds
500/400 Meter Row
12 Toes to Bar
18 Thrusters
21 Step Ups, 24"
4 Rounds
500/400 Meter Row
12 Toes to Bar
18 Thrusters
21 Step Ups, 24"
"Move + Shaker"
12 x On the 3:00
6 Burpees
300 Meter Run
30 Double Unders
8 x :20on/:10off
Rest 4 Min
8 x :15on/:15off
"Rough Patch"
1 - 15 Hang Power Snatch
2 - :45 Plank
3 - 15 Hang Power Snatch
4 - 15 DB Deadbug Crunch
Today: Regular Schedule
"The Middle"
10 Rounds
20 Squats
10 Push Ups
Rest 2 minute
5 Rounds
50 Dubs
:60 Plank
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Rounds
25 Wall Balls
50 MB Twists