About Mel

Mel is an accomplished CrossFit athlete and coach. She's competed on the world stage, and is one of the few Level 3 Certified trainers in New England. She has worked for CrossFit HQ in their L1 Seminar Staff and now enjoys bringing world-class fitness to her members as Co-Owner and Head Coach of Daybreak CrossFit.

WOD – Sat, Feb 15 “Shed”

“Shed” (Time)

10 Rounds
100 Meter Run
2 Power Cleans

30 Double Unders

MCx: 225/155
MAx: 165/115, 10 attempts
MVx: 115/75, 40 singles

GOALS + GUIDANCE: We love a 10 rounder! Run the 100 meters in :30 or less. Choose a weight for the power cleans that is HEAVY! A weight that you’re forced to take a breath before each rep, and you have to do them as singles. The dubs should take :30 or less. Use the run to “recover” before the next set of cleans and dubs. Target 17 minutes.


WOD – Fri, Feb 14 “Way Down”

“Way Down” (Time)

With a Partner
5 Rounds
30 Calorie Bike
50 Russian KB Swings
30 Toes to bar
20 Burpees

MCx: 53/35
MAx; 24 cals, 35/26, knee or pike up
MVx: 20 cals, 26/18, v-ups, in + outs

GOALS + GUIDANCE: With a partner, buddy or your valentine, share reps for every movement to complete the 5 rounds. The calorie bike will take around 2:00 to complete, target 55+ rpms. The kettlebell swings will take about :60,the toes to bar :60, and the burpees around :60. Have fun! Target 25 minutes.
