Sumo Deadlift (4 x 6)
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you build to a 7/10 effort (70%) of your 1 rep max. The sumo deadlift puts the most demand on your glutes and can either feel easier or harder than the traditional deadlift. Maintain the same weight across.)
“Can’t Go” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Burpees to Bar (jump and reach)
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
MCx: 95/65
MAx: band, 75/55
MVx: jumping pull ups or ring rows, in + outs, 55/35
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Start every round with 3 perfectly strict pull ups to build upper-body pulling strength. Do the pull ups unbroken for as long as possible. Keep a moderately uncomfortable pace on the burpees, jumping and touching a target 6″ above your reach. Then the sumo deadlift HIGH PULL will feel super light after doing heavy sumo deadlifts (no arm pull). Choose a weight for the high pulls that you can do unbroken every round. Target 4 rounds