Daybreakers! While you’re sitting at home on this snow day, either coming up with a plan to keep the kids busy or working “remotely”… what better time than now to sign up for the CrossFit Open with Daybreak? As of this post, we have 17 members signed up (many are new to CrossFit!) and we’re looking for more! You have nothing to lose… except lethargy, complacency and monotony. =)
During each of the last 3 years I’ve participated (my first was within 3 months of starting CrossFit), I’ve seen the Open pull athletes of all abilities together towards a common goal. And each year it amazes me how members will take advantage of the energy around the Open to get their first pull-up, muscle-up, or PR their lifts in the middle of a WOD! There’s something special about the Open.
Simply click on the link to right and register under Daybreak. We’ll be doing all the workouts at Daybreak each Friday as our Daily WOD, and YOU CAN do them all RX! The workouts are designed for broad participation, so almost all our members will indeed register RX on these. How cool is that?
We’ll continue to discuss this in class, but please feel free to reach out to any of our coaches with additional questions. Or head over to the CrossFit Open website to learn more.